zaterdag 20 april 2024

Hoya longicalyx


Deze Hoya in Zweden gekocht.

Hoya longicalyx is een nieuwe soort uit Yunnan, China.

Hoya longicalyx Wang Hui & E. F. Huang, a new species of #Hoya R. Br. (#Apocynaceae: #Asclepiadoideae) from #Yingjiang county (Yunnan, China), is described and fully illustrated. The new species is morphologically similar to H. #chinghungensis (Tsiang & P.T. Li) M.G. Gilbert, P.T. Li & W.D. Stevens, but can be easily distinguished by its rounded lamina base, longer and linear calyx lobes, ovate and translucent corona lobes. Result from molecular phylogenetic analysis revealed that the new species was sister to Hoya #engleriana Hosseus.

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